Sunday, May 8, 2011

Peugeot 407 Sw

Peugeot 407 Sw. Peugeot 407SW by Irmscher
  • Peugeot 407SW by Irmscher

  • MacFly123
    Mar 26, 10:55 PM
    Lion this summer, iOS 5 this fall. Makes sense to me :)

    I have predicted this from the moment Apple said Lion will be out this summer! There is NO WAY they could get them both done that fast!

    I just forked over 750 dollars for an ipad 2 and ipad 3 is coming out? Ouch!!! I already want it.

    sounds plausible, but i really don't see iPad 3 coming out any time this year. it's way too soon

    Don't listen to the iPad 3 rumors. It is all FUD to try to slow iPad 2 sales!

    A new ios update is like getiting a new device so i hope itis amazing and is a major revamp

    What's going to happen is iPad 3 will be next year as normal, but before the holidays Apple will release iOS 5 and the iPad 2 will be like a brand new product again! I have predicted this for a long time now too! :cool:

    Lion, iOS5, and the new MobileMe are going to bring continuous client features across all of Apple's products! :D And here's to hoping for apps on the Apple TV this fall too!!!

    The question is when are they going to show off the new MobileMe??? The new data center was already supposed to go live and now they are saying spring. :(

    Peugeot 407 Sw. 2007 Peugeot 407 SW Sport XS
  • 2007 Peugeot 407 SW Sport XS

  • don.keishlong
    Apr 5, 03:46 PM
    Well Cydia is like being a virgin then having sex with a whore then getting STDs that constantly slow down your OS. It might be good in the short term, but you'll have to work hard to keep the swelling down with various lotions and creams. But unlike STDs, you can revert to a clean version of the OS anytime you want. :P

    And apple has nothing to do with iOS slow downs? What happens when you run iOS 4 on your iphone 3g? Cydia isnt the only culprit of that (if it is at all). Plus the benefits are long term. See my previous post about examples of what you can do with your phone if its jailbroken.

    Plus i would venture that most people would rather have sex throughout their lives and deal with the risk of an occasional STD than to be a lifelong virgin. Take a look at the human race for evidence.

    Peugeot 407 Sw. Peugeot 407 SW ESTATE
  • Peugeot 407 SW ESTATE

  • 0815
    May 4, 04:50 PM
    I think this will be part of Apple's lower prices for OS's. Snow Leopard was only $29 because it was more of a maintenance update for Leopard than a full new OS. But how do they explain that to customers who bought Leopard and will be asked to pay 4X as much?

    The fact that top selling MacBookAir doesn't have an optical drive, already implies that they will almost definitely sell a USB key with Lion so there's no reason to also sell it on a disc for the remaining Mac's who don't upgrade via the Mac App Store.

    Mac App Store: $49 | USB Key $59

    sounds good to me ....

    Thats what I also expect, the the media (DVD/USB) at a small premium, cheaper for just the download .... I will probably get the USB if availible.

    Peugeot 407 Sw. Peugeot 407 Sw Interior.
  • Peugeot 407 Sw Interior.

  • princealfie
    Nov 26, 05:06 PM
    ********ing A. It's about time. I can't wait to retire my Toshiba Tablet PC. This would be an awesome thing for my artwork and drawing and sketching if they can get this right. Go Apple iTablet!

    Peugeot 407 Sw. Peugeot 407 SW 2.0 HDi
  • Peugeot 407 SW 2.0 HDi

  • Peace
    Sep 11, 02:20 PM
    Man..I can't think of anything that hasn't been mentioned here yet..

    I'll add :

    Sony HD Blue Ray Optical Drives for Mac Pros and external drives for other Macs.

    Airport A/V with Blue Ray Drive and Hard Drive..

    and one more thing..

    Whirled Peas:D

    Peugeot 407 Sw. PEUGEOT 407 SW
  • PEUGEOT 407 SW

  • mrzippy
    May 7, 12:27 PM
    I joined Mobile Me (.Mac) in 2003 and haven't looked back.

    What I like:
    1. Amazing SPAM filtering (less than 25 SPAM emails since 2003)
    2. Keychain sync between my 3 Macs
    3. Calendar sync between my iPhone / Mac
    4. Bookmark sync between my iPhone / Mac
    5. Preferences sync between my 3 Macs
    6. Secure iChats
    7. Disposable email aliases
    8. Find my iPhone / Remote wipe (could be very handy)

    What I don't like:
    1. iDisk whenever I have used is painfully slow and unreliable
    2. iPhoto album publish is slow and unreliable
    3. Price

    Just my opinion and I intend to pay again this year if it's not free, if it is free I hope they maintain the good points and improve the bad points.

    Peugeot 407 Sw. peugeot 407 sw soccer
  • peugeot 407 sw soccer

  • ravenvii
    May 3, 11:35 AM
    Hmm, interesting. I'm not eligible since I didn't play in Intell's last game, but this looks like fun.

    No, you mis-read, I meant you must have played in at least three games. Intell's last game is counted if you played in that one. I edited the part to hopefully make it more clear. When I wrote it, Intell's game wasn't over.

    You've played in *way* more than three games, so you're in if you want.

    Peugeot 407 Sw. PEUGEOT 407 SW DIESEL - 2008
  • PEUGEOT 407 SW DIESEL - 2008

  • realitymonkey
    Mar 31, 08:14 AM

    Ah yes can we have a decent source please not that ridiculous piece of ill conceived drivel that is the Daily Mail.

    Peugeot 407 Sw. peugeot 407 sw news
  • peugeot 407 sw news

  • Multimedia
    Sep 16, 06:41 PM
    Except that Apple has typically released only the 15 inch model before later introducing the 17 (and 12 when they existed) when they do major updates. Witness the introduction of the Al case and the Intel switch. Of course it matters whether this is a major update. If, like the iMacs, there is not a major case redesign and it is just a processor bump then expect them to be released simultaneously. But if there is a change in case, I would be surprised (pleasantly though) if the 17 came out at the same time.You need to brush up on your Mac history.

    Original Aluminum PowerBook G4 was only 17" for 8 long months ( introduced January 7, 2003 at MacWorld Expo SF by Steve Jobs. It ran at 1GHz and had two USB 1.1 ports. :p

    The first 15" PM G4 in an Aluminum case running @ 1GHz & 1.25GHz ( with two USB 2 ports didn't appear until Paris Apple Expo September 16 also introduced by Steve Jobs in his Paris keynote that morning. At that same time the 17" lost the USB 1.1 ports and went USB 2 also as well as to a top speed of 1.33GHz ( Only 3 short years ago today. :eek: ;)

    So there is no predictable introduction order. But this time it MUST be the whole line because of the C2D leap. ;)

    Peugeot 407 Sw. Peugeot 407 SW Japon
  • Peugeot 407 SW Japon

  • Pressure
    Aug 7, 02:24 PM
    As a side note a AMD3500/6800GT combo will still hammer the base unit in Doom3:p

    The real question, however is, who even cares about Doomed III?

    I surely don't hope you buy a Mac Pro to play that awful game . . .

    The base unit will hammer the AMD Athlon64 3500+ into the ground in everything else ;)

    Peugeot 407 Sw. PEUGEOT 407 SW
  • PEUGEOT 407 SW

  • QuarterSwede
    Apr 18, 02:49 PM
    Apple has to try to protect their IP or they risk losing it. What I wonder is why it took them so long to start lawsuits over this.

    Peugeot 407 Sw. Peugeot 407 SW 2011
  • Peugeot 407 SW 2011

  • balamw
    Apr 11, 07:33 AM
    if we move to postadvanced math however, it is clear that "/" separates two expressions: 48 and 2(9+3);
    - as someone already mentioned above, absence of the operator implies multiplication, so 48=4*8. now, everyone knows that by the reciprocal inversity properties multiplication is the opposite of division, therefore 4 multiplied by 8 must be equal to 8 divided by 4, which is most obviously 2 (on the left part of the expression);
    - now to the right part. this is easy. Ignoring the round bracket (which as mentioned are uncool), you have 2*9+3, which gives you a very straightforward 21;
    - so now we have 2/21, which as demonstrated above is equal to 21*2, which is (i hope no one disagrees on this) 42.

    so please now stop with your earthlingy bickering: the answer is always 42. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

    Golf clap. Well done! However, on your next trip, I suggest you keep your distance from the improbability drive. :p

    Now that we got the answer, I forget: What was the question again?

    That statement means that 2(12) should be done before the division.
    So then the answer is 2.

    Please rephrase that with the variables x,y,a,b,c,d I was using in the post. It sure sounds like you are saying that just because there are parentheses around an expression, the operators adjacent to the parens gain some kid of precedence.

    What do you make of the expression from the Wikipedia page?

    10 - 3 + 2

    Is that 9 or 5?

    Let's force the issue a bit more, what is the value of:

    10 - 3 + ( 1 + 1)

    If the brackets/parens create some kind of precedence around them you should get the same answer as someone who is giving addition precedence over subtraction.


    Peugeot 407 Sw. peugeot 407 sw hdi sport 5dr
  • peugeot 407 sw hdi sport 5dr

  • supmango
    Apr 26, 02:12 PM
    I really hope that Apple sees trends like this and realizes it's time to change their game plan. No more once a year phones. Time to kick the innovation level up a few notches. Time for over the air OS updates, over the air app installs, wireless syncing and everything else Android has offered for some time now.

    iOS does over the air app installs. Other than that, yes I agree that Apple needs to do those things.

    Oh, and I use Android because it's the only option on my carrier (its the least repulsive option anyway). But it sucks, and doesn't seem to be getting any better. I think the only reason it is seeing growth like it is is because of cheap hardware, and, as in my case, being the only real option on certain networks.

    Peugeot 407 Sw. 2007 Peugeot 407 SW Sport XS
  • 2007 Peugeot 407 SW Sport XS

  • Chupa Chupa
    Mar 28, 10:05 AM
    If the iPhone 5 is just a 3GS like upgrade then there really won't be all that much to talk about which is why the main attraction will be the software. That doesn't mean there won't be any hardware updates.

    Sure, but the "delay" could be that iOS 5 isn't ready yet and Apple isn't going to launch iPhone 5 w/o a full iOS update. Quite possible iOS5 engineers were temp. xfered to OS X 10.7 at this final stage to ensure it makes out the door on time and w/ fewest glitches possible. Once 10.7 goes GM iOS5 development will go back to normal speed.

    Peugeot 407 Sw. Peugeot 407 SW 2.0 HDi 140
  • Peugeot 407 SW 2.0 HDi 140

  • Piggie
    Apr 23, 06:05 PM
    Ok, I'll try this question, which is a fair question...............

    Everyone says again and again, Apple does not aim for the high end.
    If we put Mac Pro's to one side as they are the proper PC's of the Apple Mac world.

    Let's speak about iMac's

    They are Apple mass consumer, man/woman in the street computers.
    They type of customers who just want to enjoy their computer and be able to get the jobs they want done in a nice and easy way.

    I think that's a fair statement.

    Also, as has been said, over and over and OVER again, these customers, that the iMac's are aimed at, are not Nerds, Not Tech Freaks, Not spec junkies.
    They are just normal people who probably don't want to be worried about specs and to be honest as long as it looks nice and moves smoothy on screen, don't care what's inside the case.

    Given this. If these "typical consumers, who don't care or really know about specs" are today, looking at their current 1920x1080 screens, or 1920x1200 screens, and they cannot see the individual pixels from their normal, let's say two feet away viewing distance, then what on earth would be the point in increasing costs, and slowing down an iMac by lumbering it with a higher resolution screen?

    What is the point, for these consumers, to increase the screen resolution when they can't make out the individual pixels currently?

    Peugeot 407 Sw. Peugeot 407 SW Premium 1.6 HDi
  • Peugeot 407 SW Premium 1.6 HDi

  • McGiord
    Apr 9, 07:42 PM
    I did parenthesis, then multiplication or division from left to right. That's how I was taught it.

    I'm pretty sure doing PEMDAS left to right is the proper way to do it


    PEMDAS... First time ever that I hear of it.
    I did no go to school in the US.

    So.. if the priorities are Parenthesis, then Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition and lastly Substraction, using your rule:

    First whatever is inside the Parenthesis: 9+3=12


    Then Exponent: none

    Then Multiplication: 2(12) = 24
    Then Division: 48/24 = 2

    There you go...PEMDAS fans.

    Peugeot 407 Sw. Peugeot 407 SW
  • Peugeot 407 SW

  • Chundles
    Sep 10, 11:22 PM
    Mine connection would take around 14 hours, but we have adsl 2+ now which is up to 24mb/sec. Can't wait to upgrade :cool:

    This movie store is all exciting and all, but with out world stores, it will be the US who will be enjoying it :(

    Yep, downloadable TV shows, movies for purchase or rent, iPhoto photobooks/prints/calendars/cards etc.

    Who gives a rat's? Not me because we can't use any of them.

    Peugeot 407 Sw. Peugeot 407 SW 1.6 HDi 110
  • Peugeot 407 SW 1.6 HDi 110

  • Floris
    Apr 20, 01:41 AM
    I honestly can not imagine why.

    This is the 3gs to the 3th gen iPhone?

    Man, imagine just buying one from verizon, don't you feel f* for not waiting a month.

    Useless for them to release another one this year. Enjoy the spoils of everybody buying it. And release a 'real worthy' upgrade to iPhone5 for early 2012 release.

    Peugeot 407 Sw. Peugeot 407 Facelift - Page 2
  • Peugeot 407 Facelift - Page 2

  • bdkennedy1
    Mar 28, 10:02 AM
    So? Do any of those phones have 1/10th the user experience of the iPhone? Who is standing in line for them? Do you question the speed of the electronics in your TV set? No because it does what it's supposed to do.

    Yes, precisely. Android and other handsets are moving to Tegra 2/Orion based platforms with maybe quad core SoCs coming in Fall '11 from nVidia. An A5 equipped iPhone shipping around September would be outdated the minute it hits the shelves as far as hardware is concerned.

    With Pocket Legends already reporting that gaming on Android is making them more money than on iOS and this delay in Apple's usual release schedule, it could mean that iOS gaming could lose out to Android and set the pace for future developments, just like what happened to Apple in the 80s with the rise of the PC.

    While I doubt we have anything to worry about short term as iOS device owners, if they keep this up in the long term and keep losing ground to Android, it might become a problem.

    Apr 7, 11:28 AM
    I can't believe the number of positive votes and gloaters we have in here. Aren't you the same people who are outraged because you can't get your iPad 2 because the scalpers bought them all up?

    Look, if Apple dominates the tablet market because the iPad is genuinely better than the other guy's tablet (and don't get me wrong, I think it is) and that causes Apple's sales to far eclipse everyone else, then GREAT! People vote with their wallets and the dominant winner is clear. But if Apple becomes the dominant player because, heck, they're so big that they can simply BUY THEIR WAY to the top, then that's not really fair for anybody, is it?

    Isn't that how Windows got their market share? Because Microsoft got so big that they could start dictating deals to the PC makers? Didn't we bash them for "forcing" Windows on consumers, not giving them a fair choice?

    scalpers nothing, it was customers. People want the iPad.

    They only need like ~100,000.

    RIM is no Google. I can't picture them using more than 10,000 in the same time frame

    Mar 28, 12:28 PM
    Shifting the update cycle for the iPhone is generally a bad idea. A lot of people update yearly or every other year and they will percieve an additional wait time of three to six month as a loss because they keep paying their contract without getting a new subsidized phone. Also ATT is not going to like that because a lot of customers will be without long term commitment for several month and may use the time to consider a switch to Verizon. I'm sure ATT would prefer Apple to release predictably every June. I wish ATT would offer a unsubsidized contract.

    But so far it's just a rumor. My plan is to upgrade my iPhone 3GS this June but wouldn't freak out if I hade to wait a few more month. Also this allows me to see if some Android phone with 4G network comes along that bests the iPhone.

    Nov 27, 01:09 AM
    As a student I would LOVE to have a Mac tablet with a screen maybe a little bigger than an A4 sized piece of paper. It would be so helpful to be able to scribble notes down and I sure that Apple could come up with some fantastic and creative software for note taking and the like. It's exciting to think this could actually finally by happening sometime next year. Look for my MBP on ebay if this actually happens:):D

    Apr 5, 02:24 PM
    If this forum would allow me to rate this story, I'd rank the outcome as Positive!

    Here's one for those of us who to choose to play by the rules!!

    ...and I absolutely LOVE my iPhone, btw...

    TV = Tranny?

    Old Smuggler
    Sep 11, 02:31 AM
    I hope that the free iPod nano educational deal is still in effect if new iPods are released this week.

    seriously doubt it
    its just a way to make a little more money off the existing ipods and reduce stock before the changeover

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