Apr 30, 03:00 PM
Hey.... Where is my updated Mac Mini?
Patience child. iMac has to come first, but then the Mini :cool:.
Patience child. iMac has to come first, but then the Mini :cool:.

Sep 5, 01:58 PM
Hah... this is so funny.
Apple sends out invites that seem to indicate a moviestore, rumors abound about new nanos... and what do the forums turn into:
"I hope they release a phone."
"New macbooks please!"
"Apple DVR!"
:confused: :o
Where do they come up with this stuff?
Yeah just wait until tuesday when the whining starts because apple did not release new versions of everything and new products to make everyone and their grandmother happy. It happens every time.
Apple sends out invites that seem to indicate a moviestore, rumors abound about new nanos... and what do the forums turn into:
"I hope they release a phone."
"New macbooks please!"
"Apple DVR!"
:confused: :o
Where do they come up with this stuff?
Yeah just wait until tuesday when the whining starts because apple did not release new versions of everything and new products to make everyone and their grandmother happy. It happens every time.

Oct 12, 12:46 PM
Unless it's a RED macbook pro, then it should be at least 20% to good causes. With 120GB hard drive, just imagine how much awful U2 music you could have.
Please CAN IT!
My god we cant talk about anything on this board without the core 2 duo macbook/pro crew coming to mess up a thread THAT HAS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH LAPTOP UPDATES
Please CAN IT!
My god we cant talk about anything on this board without the core 2 duo macbook/pro crew coming to mess up a thread THAT HAS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH LAPTOP UPDATES

Sep 4, 06:59 PM
I think it is the highly anticipated iToilet with universal iPod dock and count 'em four AppleTalk ports.
Sorry the iToiletPaperDispenser is already out.
Sorry the iToiletPaperDispenser is already out.

Apr 17, 02:08 AM
I think I would have rather held off for one of those oppsed to this sandy bridge and this thunderbolt.

masta beta
Mar 22, 03:17 PM
Thanks Captain Obvious.
My cousin's brother's friend's dad's relative who works for Apple said to wait for the updates as well before purchasing. He is very reliable.
My cousin's brother's friend's dad's relative who works for Apple said to wait for the updates as well before purchasing. He is very reliable.

Sep 10, 08:47 AM
Is the 24" as quiet as the MacPro? Have you been able to compare to the 20"?
The store is noisy, so it is hard to say. To me neither was making a sound.
The store is noisy, so it is hard to say. To me neither was making a sound.
Apr 24, 10:56 PM

Apr 20, 12:17 PM
Time to check my wifes iPhone backup tonight :rolleyes:

May 3, 11:08 AM
What do people prefer? I've heard quite bad things about the Magic Mouse, the majority of people saying they find it uncomfortable etc?
As I already have a good Logitech wireless mouse, would it be a better combination to use that plus the Trackpad?
I'm personally a big fan of the mighty mouse. I have smaller hands, and also use bettertouchtool. I find certain maneuvers difficult with it still (like 3 finger swipes), but obviously I opt'd in for that ;)
They're both very nice pieces of hardware, with separate purposes. I'll be honest and say that if I had the choice between the two, I'd buy the trackpad:
a. Gestures on Lion feel better with it imho.
b. I use the keyboard for almost everything, and moving over to a mouse which I'll need to move farther away from my keyboard is irritating. The trackpad stays in one spot.
c. You already have a nice mouse ;)
As I already have a good Logitech wireless mouse, would it be a better combination to use that plus the Trackpad?
I'm personally a big fan of the mighty mouse. I have smaller hands, and also use bettertouchtool. I find certain maneuvers difficult with it still (like 3 finger swipes), but obviously I opt'd in for that ;)
They're both very nice pieces of hardware, with separate purposes. I'll be honest and say that if I had the choice between the two, I'd buy the trackpad:
a. Gestures on Lion feel better with it imho.
b. I use the keyboard for almost everything, and moving over to a mouse which I'll need to move farther away from my keyboard is irritating. The trackpad stays in one spot.
c. You already have a nice mouse ;)

Apr 25, 01:24 PM
This, if it and Ivy Bridge, lower SSD prices/larger capacities come to fruition solidify my decision to stay with my 2010 and wait for the 2012 refresh.

Mar 18, 12:00 AM
The Safari exploit launched a Mac OSX program. How is that NOT an "OS" issue? The exploit could have just as easily told the Mac to delete a directory on the hard drive, for instance. So it's not just Safari that's an issue but the fact that OSX would let Safari execute a program outside the browser.
I'd like to know where this idea that "many have tried" to create viruses and/or malware for OSX comes from. How do you know what people have done or tried? I'm not saying Unix is easy to exploit, but I know darn well it's not invulnerable. If they held an OS hacking event with a prize, I'm sure someone would prove my point for me.
And this idea that nothing can be done on the Mac until a virus or other malware exploit shows up on a news site is absurd. There are plenty of tools out there, for instance, to point out dangerous web sites that could be a threat to a computer. Most OSX users wouldn't bother to install one if one was offered to them because they believe themselves invulnerable. So why worry about visiting a malware site? Some exploits are potentially cross-platform (adobe flash, for example). Again, I say most OSX users are far too comfortable in a foolish belief that they are not in danger from anything out there.
Before I could even get to this, cwt1nospam and GGJstudios jumped on it. I'll add that a Safari exploit just can't take over an OS X system. It can do some minor things, but doesn't give admin or root access to the OS.
You nervous Windows users -- and you have every right to be -- are used to exploits commandeering your computers. It's your every day reality. For Mac users, it doesn't happen. Never has. But to characterize us as engaging in "foolish belief" that we're not in danger out there is a false argument.
Rather than go through the laborious repeat of my earlier post to you, please re-read it. Mac users don't deny the dangers. Unlike Windows users we're just not lulled into installing expensive, beastly software that drags our systems down that gives us a false sense of security that we're safe and protected. Most exploits come from unsafe computing, including the incomplete list I assembled above. Mac users don't take this dope, and have clearer minds about the proper steps to protect their systems.
I have multiple lines of defense built up against attackers using malware, viruses, worms, Trojan Horses and the like. It starts with the firewall in my wireless router, OpenDNS, safe practices and other methods I've learned from Mac and other forums.
I have never experienced a hack, a virus, a worm, a Trojan Horse or any other exploit in over 20 years because of this. And in the next 20 I will not either, because I'll keep learning and building up my defenses, without wasting a dollar on beastly software that gives me a false sense of security and relieves me of my responsibility for safe computing.
I'd like to know where this idea that "many have tried" to create viruses and/or malware for OSX comes from. How do you know what people have done or tried? I'm not saying Unix is easy to exploit, but I know darn well it's not invulnerable. If they held an OS hacking event with a prize, I'm sure someone would prove my point for me.
And this idea that nothing can be done on the Mac until a virus or other malware exploit shows up on a news site is absurd. There are plenty of tools out there, for instance, to point out dangerous web sites that could be a threat to a computer. Most OSX users wouldn't bother to install one if one was offered to them because they believe themselves invulnerable. So why worry about visiting a malware site? Some exploits are potentially cross-platform (adobe flash, for example). Again, I say most OSX users are far too comfortable in a foolish belief that they are not in danger from anything out there.
Before I could even get to this, cwt1nospam and GGJstudios jumped on it. I'll add that a Safari exploit just can't take over an OS X system. It can do some minor things, but doesn't give admin or root access to the OS.
You nervous Windows users -- and you have every right to be -- are used to exploits commandeering your computers. It's your every day reality. For Mac users, it doesn't happen. Never has. But to characterize us as engaging in "foolish belief" that we're not in danger out there is a false argument.
Rather than go through the laborious repeat of my earlier post to you, please re-read it. Mac users don't deny the dangers. Unlike Windows users we're just not lulled into installing expensive, beastly software that drags our systems down that gives us a false sense of security that we're safe and protected. Most exploits come from unsafe computing, including the incomplete list I assembled above. Mac users don't take this dope, and have clearer minds about the proper steps to protect their systems.
I have multiple lines of defense built up against attackers using malware, viruses, worms, Trojan Horses and the like. It starts with the firewall in my wireless router, OpenDNS, safe practices and other methods I've learned from Mac and other forums.
I have never experienced a hack, a virus, a worm, a Trojan Horse or any other exploit in over 20 years because of this. And in the next 20 I will not either, because I'll keep learning and building up my defenses, without wasting a dollar on beastly software that gives me a false sense of security and relieves me of my responsibility for safe computing.

Oct 27, 10:42 AM
I wrote this on another site so if you heard it before that is why:
I will start by saying groups like greenpeace serve a useful purpose, which is to challenge the status quo in the hopes of improving things in the world.
However, greenpeace is far from being pure in their own methods. Anyone can point out what is wrong, it take people with true willingness to improve thing to find a solution, not just lobbing gernades into the middle of the table and running.
Notice how they never answer the questions about how to solve the problem they just say stop using chemicals like brominated flame retardants, with no regard that Apple does not make, or innovate PCB (printed circuit boards). Apple does not dictate or madate what is used to keep a PCB from going up in flames as does any company who uses PCB. The PCB industry does and the world wide public safey agency who say that the PCB will not catch fire and burn your house down have this responsibility.
Asked yourself, why hasn't the world's governments band bromited fire retardants when it is well know it is bad, really bad. because the best minds in the world have yet to come up with a cost effective alternative solution that will keep a PCB from catching fire and buring your house down. and still pay $200 for your iPod.
Trust me if greenpeace came up with a green PCB having no impact on the environment the world market would beat their door down to get it. Then they could stop having those poor long hair young kids coming around our neighborhoods asking for money to fight all those big bad companies. But that would be part of the solution instead of being part of the problem.
Part of the reason most companies do not listen to greenpeace is because, when they offer a solution many times they come back years later and say hey that is bad too. Prime example they and other groups told McDonalds in the 70's to stop using paper products to package their burgers, and told them to use styrofoam since it did not require the cutting of trees. Only to come back years later and say styrofoam was hurting the atmophere and they should use paper products. I think they forgot they told them using paper was bad too.
BTW, DELL and HP are trying to make the change not because greenpeace told them stop, because it make business sense. The world is changing and people are tired of seeing all this stuff end up in land fills. In Europe they are running out of space and they do not want to see all the nasty stuff end up in their eco system. Europe has said if you can not recycle it, you have to take it back. Again, greenpeace had nothing to do with this, it about trade and the fact that Europe makes less and less products ever year and importors more. It is a trade barrier disguise as protecting the eco system.
My comment to greenpeace and others is when you are naked in the woods living off the land and not impacting the earth yourself then you have room to critized what the rest of the world is doing. Think about how much greenpeace has impacted the earth getting their message out, all the computers, networks , chemicals, fossil fuel, nuclear engery that was used to just get this message to all of us. They never consider this, becuase they feel it is ok for them to impact the earth as long as they are doing it in the name of conservation.
Full disclosure, I own Apple stock and as well as I have given money to organization like greenpeace and the Sierra club
I will start by saying groups like greenpeace serve a useful purpose, which is to challenge the status quo in the hopes of improving things in the world.
However, greenpeace is far from being pure in their own methods. Anyone can point out what is wrong, it take people with true willingness to improve thing to find a solution, not just lobbing gernades into the middle of the table and running.
Notice how they never answer the questions about how to solve the problem they just say stop using chemicals like brominated flame retardants, with no regard that Apple does not make, or innovate PCB (printed circuit boards). Apple does not dictate or madate what is used to keep a PCB from going up in flames as does any company who uses PCB. The PCB industry does and the world wide public safey agency who say that the PCB will not catch fire and burn your house down have this responsibility.
Asked yourself, why hasn't the world's governments band bromited fire retardants when it is well know it is bad, really bad. because the best minds in the world have yet to come up with a cost effective alternative solution that will keep a PCB from catching fire and buring your house down. and still pay $200 for your iPod.
Trust me if greenpeace came up with a green PCB having no impact on the environment the world market would beat their door down to get it. Then they could stop having those poor long hair young kids coming around our neighborhoods asking for money to fight all those big bad companies. But that would be part of the solution instead of being part of the problem.
Part of the reason most companies do not listen to greenpeace is because, when they offer a solution many times they come back years later and say hey that is bad too. Prime example they and other groups told McDonalds in the 70's to stop using paper products to package their burgers, and told them to use styrofoam since it did not require the cutting of trees. Only to come back years later and say styrofoam was hurting the atmophere and they should use paper products. I think they forgot they told them using paper was bad too.
BTW, DELL and HP are trying to make the change not because greenpeace told them stop, because it make business sense. The world is changing and people are tired of seeing all this stuff end up in land fills. In Europe they are running out of space and they do not want to see all the nasty stuff end up in their eco system. Europe has said if you can not recycle it, you have to take it back. Again, greenpeace had nothing to do with this, it about trade and the fact that Europe makes less and less products ever year and importors more. It is a trade barrier disguise as protecting the eco system.
My comment to greenpeace and others is when you are naked in the woods living off the land and not impacting the earth yourself then you have room to critized what the rest of the world is doing. Think about how much greenpeace has impacted the earth getting their message out, all the computers, networks , chemicals, fossil fuel, nuclear engery that was used to just get this message to all of us. They never consider this, becuase they feel it is ok for them to impact the earth as long as they are doing it in the name of conservation.
Full disclosure, I own Apple stock and as well as I have given money to organization like greenpeace and the Sierra club

Aug 28, 02:10 PM
from what ive read the difference between Core Duo and Core 2 Duo isnt much
its not like P4 and Core 2 Duo
the Core 2 Duo are -10-15% faster at the same clock speed but use more power
They're also 64-bit and if Apple uses the Conroe the FSB is a lot faster.
its not like P4 and Core 2 Duo
the Core 2 Duo are -10-15% faster at the same clock speed but use more power
They're also 64-bit and if Apple uses the Conroe the FSB is a lot faster.

Apr 22, 06:36 PM
I wish they would use AMD processors as a way to get around this problem with intel and ati. We would benefit from AMD's gpu's and a better price for the end user. Flame away.
I would also prefer AMD, but I don't think there will be Llanos low-powered enough for the MBA.
Look at the Zacate E-350. It's 18W, and CPU-wise it's at a dual core Atom level.
OK, it's bulk 40nm, and Llano is 32nm SOI, but the quad mobile Llano I've seen is supposed to be 45W. MBAs are at 10W and 17W.
Llano is still a Stars+ core. Maybe next year with Bulldozer Fusion.
I would also prefer AMD, but I don't think there will be Llanos low-powered enough for the MBA.
Look at the Zacate E-350. It's 18W, and CPU-wise it's at a dual core Atom level.
OK, it's bulk 40nm, and Llano is 32nm SOI, but the quad mobile Llano I've seen is supposed to be 45W. MBAs are at 10W and 17W.
Llano is still a Stars+ core. Maybe next year with Bulldozer Fusion.

May 3, 11:09 PM
still no blu-ray drive? iMacs should have blu-ray burners by now!
oh well, maybe with the next update...
oh well, maybe with the next update...

Apr 23, 02:31 PM
Yes, built-in 3G is more costly to buy, usually locked into a particular carrier (what do you mean I can't switch my 1500$ laptop to a new carrier ?) and with the Rev D's 2nd USB port being next to a display port, the "extension" cable is moot.
So you are quite missing tons of things. The current scheme of "get a stick from your carrier" is the best as far as costs and carrier non-attachment go. I tether to my iPhone using Bluetooth anyhow, making the USB thing even more moot.
Built-in 3G is overrated.
It's just not up-to-date anymore. At least for a company that claims to be on the bleeding edge.
My iPad is not locked into a specific carrier and it's a officially fully supported configuration. So it's not really alchemy involved. Same could be done for the MBA. I also do not intend to abuse my iphone as a modem - I don't see why I do have to keep two devices going to get *one* of them online. That iPhone workaround sounds like a real bad excuse to me - it's just a way of keeping carriers happy (because phones usually are bought directly from the carriers with a 1+ year lock-in and for computers I assume people would rather turn to the AppleStore).
For my laptop I also want to have a different carrier and price plan.

Mercedes-Benz 190E 2.3-16

So you are quite missing tons of things. The current scheme of "get a stick from your carrier" is the best as far as costs and carrier non-attachment go. I tether to my iPhone using Bluetooth anyhow, making the USB thing even more moot.
Built-in 3G is overrated.
It's just not up-to-date anymore. At least for a company that claims to be on the bleeding edge.
My iPad is not locked into a specific carrier and it's a officially fully supported configuration. So it's not really alchemy involved. Same could be done for the MBA. I also do not intend to abuse my iphone as a modem - I don't see why I do have to keep two devices going to get *one* of them online. That iPhone workaround sounds like a real bad excuse to me - it's just a way of keeping carriers happy (because phones usually are bought directly from the carriers with a 1+ year lock-in and for computers I assume people would rather turn to the AppleStore).
For my laptop I also want to have a different carrier and price plan.

Apr 22, 11:21 AM
It appears that Mr. Kuo has some reliable tipsters in the supply chain and that he might actually have a clue.
One cannot the same thing about Gene Munster, Shaw Wu, or Katy Huberty. Their track record is atrocious and I'm inclined to disbelieve any of their blatherings.
I'm planning on picking up one of these new MacBook Airs.
One cannot the same thing about Gene Munster, Shaw Wu, or Katy Huberty. Their track record is atrocious and I'm inclined to disbelieve any of their blatherings.
I'm planning on picking up one of these new MacBook Airs.

Apr 20, 10:24 AM
What evidence, though? Just stating it means nothing. Prove it. Show us the data from that time when it was off.
The paragraph I quoted kind of explains it.
I agree though, I'd like to see more proof if it is true.
The paragraph I quoted kind of explains it.
I agree though, I'd like to see more proof if it is true.
Nov 13, 12:48 PM
Well, I’ve dismissed most of the other complaints. But this is Rogue Amoeba. Phil Schiller needs to get involved with this immediately — completely unacceptable. They are one of the premier Mac shareware developers.
Sep 15, 11:01 PM
May I remind you:
1G 23 Oct 2001
2G 17 July 2002
3G 28 April 2003
4G/Photo July 2004
5G 12 Oct 2005
5G (enhanced) 12 Sep 2006
6G (not ready yet)
iPhone� Clear some space under that (Walnut) tree.
Besides this is not an iPod, it's an iPod Phone�
What about the iPod mini or shuffle?
In retrospect, I should've said product and not just iPod. That's where they release all the toys.
1G 23 Oct 2001
2G 17 July 2002
3G 28 April 2003
4G/Photo July 2004
5G 12 Oct 2005
5G (enhanced) 12 Sep 2006
6G (not ready yet)
iPhone� Clear some space under that (Walnut) tree.
Besides this is not an iPod, it's an iPod Phone�
What about the iPod mini or shuffle?
In retrospect, I should've said product and not just iPod. That's where they release all the toys.
Aug 29, 04:17 AM
I just bought my iMac before Apple went Intel, so i have no plans to upgrade just yet. I will probably hold out until summer 2008 and then get a MacBook Pro with the following specs:
17" Screen (1920 x 1200)
3.0 Ghz Dual Core Processor (Santa Rosa)
512 MB Graphics Card
250 GB Hard Drive (Perpendicular)
HD-DVD or Blue-Ray Drive
17" Screen (1920 x 1200)
3.0 Ghz Dual Core Processor (Santa Rosa)
512 MB Graphics Card
250 GB Hard Drive (Perpendicular)
HD-DVD or Blue-Ray Drive
Mar 23, 05:10 PM
Always one in a bunch who brings up a personal experience to shock people into shutting up. My sister was eaten by a hyena. No hyena jokes please.
Heyooo! Besides, murder is premeditated. It's called homicide otherwise.
Heyooo! Besides, murder is premeditated. It's called homicide otherwise.
Mar 30, 12:56 PM
So if Apple losses can they just go and make a really, really crummy, crash prone application that sells MP3, that are encoded really poorly, and is just the most absolutely worst garbage ever and call it, "Da Amazon MP3 and AppStore for Windows and Office" ?
While I do think Apple's TM should be upheld, I do wish they would change the name themselves.
While I do think Apple's TM should be upheld, I do wish they would change the name themselves.
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